Field Vision 10-9-24

If I was helping a brand new disciple get into the habit of reading his/her Bible, I probably would send them to the book of Mark, or maybe one of the Apostle John's letters to the church... I probably wouldn't send them the short, yet heavy, book of the prophet Joel.

While God's sovereignty and responsibility to respond to sin can be inspiring and even encouraging, plagues of locusts and stern "judgement for the nations" can be a bit overwhelming for a new believer. But even in these short books characterized by sin and judgement, God's grace and mercy are clearly evident. I want to encourage you today with Joel 2:12-13.

Joel 2:12-13 Even now-This is the Lord's declaration-turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and he relents from sending disaster.

Here are some truths to glean from this passage:

"The Lord's Declaration." As we are reading through the Scriptures (in particular the prophets) we will see this phrase. It is helpful because it awakens us. It grabs our attention. It is God's Word most likely revealing the foundational truth of the passage. Often the rest of the passage revolves around proving or demonstrating this truth. Pay attention to the "Lord's declarations" in Scripture.

TURN The whole heart is required when we are turning to God and turning away from sin. You and I both know when we are holding something back. God knows it too. He can tell when our "turning" is partial. Fast. Weep. Mourn... All of these physical reactions may result when we turn from sin and turn to God. We cannot turn in repentance and not experience some sort of noticeable change in our behavior.

TEAR There will always be a physical signs of spiritual repentance. But physical actions that look like repentance are no substitute for true repentance. Appearing to abandon sin is not the same as abandoning sin.  The Lord declares that "tearing your clothes" is not enough. The customary sign of repentance and humility in the Bible was to tear your clothes (much like the pharisees did when Jesus spoke of the nature of His earthly ministry). But God has seen many of His followers over the course of history tear their clothes with hard hearts that are far from repentance. May this never be us. May we never pray a prayer with our lips that does not resonate in our hearts. It is very easy to fake repentance in the presence of other people, but God is never deceived.

Conclusion God is so gracious! He is so compassionate! He is patient! He is abounding in love! My friends, HE IS WORTHY OF OUR ONGOING REPENTANCE. Turn to Him. Tear your heart in preparation for His forgiveness and spiritual healing. He can be trusted. And because of the completed work of Jesus Christ, He is faithful and He is just to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Join me and the rest of Field Church in ongoing repentance before God!

You are so very loved!

Pastor Fraser

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